Christmas in Montgomery County, Indiana

The Christmas season is in full swing here in Montgomery County! Crawfordsville Electric Light & Power has the snowflakes up on light poles, Downtown Party Night has come and gone, and last Friday saw the General Lew Wallace Study & Museum’s Holiday Tea & Fashion Show. But even though Christmas is only 15 days away, there are still plenty of great Christmas-themed activities planned!
If music is your thing, you have two great choices tonight: Crawfordsville Middle School’s Holiday Band Concert is being held at Crawfordsville High School at 7 pm, and Wabash’s 47th Annual Christmas Festival of Music & Readings is at Wabash Chapel at 8 pm. The town of Darlington is having its caroling and tree lighting on Sunday at 5:30 pm.
The Sugar Creek Players are still running their Christmas play “It’s A Wonderful Life” this weekend! Shows are December 12 & 13 at 7:30 pm and December 14 at 2 pm. Tickets are still available at the Sugar Creek Players website or by calling the Vanity Theater box office at 765-362-7077.
Our museums also have lots of great activities planned! The Linden Depot Museum is hosting Christmas Open Houses every weekend through the end of the year. On Friday, Saturday, and Sunday from 10 am to 6 pm, you can visit the museum of US 231 in Linden and view their Christmas train and buy special railroad-themed ornaments and gifts. The Tannenbaum Cultural Center is having a Victorian Christmas Celebration on December 13 at 6:30 pm. Father Christmas will be there and participants can make ornaments and enjoy snacks.
If you are still working on your Christmas shopping, Harvest Inn Interior Decor & Gifts is having a Christmas Open House from 10 am to 5 pm on Sunday. Saturday is the Holly Jolly Cookie & Candy Sale at the Ladoga-Clark Township Public Library from 9 am to 1 pm. You can choose from a variety of home-baked treats and fill a box for $6 per pound. Many local businesses have gift certificates available, as do restaurants like Little Mexico and Creekside Lodge!
Merry Christmas from the Montgomery County Visitors & Convention Bureau!