Sheep, Calves, Barrels, Bulls
Bulls $1,000 Added (minimum)
Barrels $400 Added (minimum)
Adults $15, 10 and under FREE, bring chairs
Cash only. Entries Open the Sunday before the event @765-418-5743
Buckle Awarded every month; must participate in every rodeo to be eligible for the buckle series.
Full western attire. Photographer. Concession.
5pm for entries, 6pm show starts
Sheep, Calves, Barrels, Bulls
Bulls $1,000 Added (minimum)
Barrels $400 Added (minimum)
Adults $15, 10 and under FREE, bring chairs
Cash only. Entries Open the Sunday before the event @765-418-5743
Buckle Awarded every month; must participate in every rodeo to be eligible for the buckle series.
Full western attire. Photographer. Concession.
5pm for entries, 6pm show starts
Sheep, Calves, Barrels, Bulls
Bulls $1,000 Added (minimum)
Barrels $400 Added (minimum)
Adults $15, 10 and under FREE, bring chairs
Cash only. Entries Open the Sunday before the event @765-418-5743
Buckle Awarded every month; must participate in every rodeo to be eligible for the buckle series.
Full western attire. Photographer. Concession.
5pm for entries, 6pm show starts