Crawfordsville Farmers Market 2025!If you are interested, please come to the meeting and ask all your questions!
send a request via email to A Master Gardener will be able to answer your questions. The Seed Library is more than just seeds—it’s also a hub for learning! In partnership with the Master Gardeners of Montgomery County, the library is hosting a series of free...
Looking for some family fun, or maybe some team bonding??? Come to trivia night at Greek's Pizzeria in downtown Crawfordsville.
Join Mayor Todd D. Barton for a fundraising breakfast to learn about the positive impacts and needs of Scouting in the Crawfordsville area on March 19th @ Fusion 54!
Join the Latino Community Center at Wabash College. We will host an Artists' Book viewing party with Iván Acebo-Choy and Professor Annie Strader. After the viewing party, there will be an Artists' Book workshop with the artist. For the workshop, folks are required to RSVP....
Don't forget to join us today at 4:00 for Science; Mrs. Brunton always has something fun for us to do!