Hose Elementary School
800 Fairview Ave, Crawfordsville, IN
Kindergarten Round-up is coming soon! If you have a child who will be 5 on or before August 1st, please make sure they are signed up. We can't wait to meet you! Current kindergarten families, please remember that there will be no school for kindergarten...
Shop Small Shop Homemade LLC
124 N Green Street, Crawfordsville, IN
Join me in Crawfordsville at Shop Small, Shop Handmade and let me walk you step by step to create a springy Daffodil canvas to add to your decor! Do you need to be a professional artist? No way! I will supply everything you need to...
Rotary Jail Museum
225 N. Washington St, Crawfordsville, IN, United States
Get familiar with your local PYOP (Paint Your Own Pottery) Studio right here in Crawfordsville at the Tannenbaum Cultural Center! Ceramic painting is a good way to personalize gifts and your space! Living features such as lighting, useful items like plates, cups, bowls, or decorative...
Connie L. Meek Auditorium-Crawfordsville High School
1 W Athenian Dr., Crawfordsville, United States
Crawfordsville High School Presents The Addams Family Musical! March 14 & 15 @ 7:00 March 16 @ 2:30 Tickets go on sale Monday February 17th https://cur8.com/18438/project/129329
Ladoga Fire Department
1025 E Main Street, Ladoga, IN, United States
The candy donation box is in the breezeway if anyone would like to donate candy for stuffing eggs. Also we are less that a week away from our breakfast. Come on out and enjoy some good food. As always Free Will Donation!
Spring Open House Event! Join us for a day of fun, shopping, and great deals at Shop Small Shop Handmade LLC! Saturday, March 15th 10 AM – 5 PM Shop Small Shop Handmade LLC 124 N Green Street Crawfordsville, IN What’s Happening? Bag Sale with Britt’s Blooming Boutique...
Quest for Balance Wellness
2886 US 231, Crawfordsville, IN
Join Jai for this 3-hour workshop where you will learn the basics about crystals - how they are formed, how they work, and how they can be used. Participants will learn practical techniques for identifying and selecting crystals, how different crystals interact with the human...
Francis and Mount
131 N Washington St, Crawfordsville, IN, United States
Sip and Paint with Sarah! Come out and enjoy an afternoon of painting. Register early so you save your spot!! https://docs.google.com/.../1dOJ2iacMXMMf7Z3XJMLw.../edit...