10th and Carlisle is a country duo comprised of Broadway vets Tad Wilson and Jessica Phillips. Jessica (daughter of Wabash’s own Gary and Alice Phillips) got her Broadway break when she joined that cast of The Scarlet Pimpernel in 1998 and has gone on to...
Athens Arts will be open late on Valentines Day providing complimentary after dinner desserts! We will also have LIVE music! Come visit us and enjoy sweet treats to be part of your Valentine experience! This event is free!
A romantic dinner with linen tablecloths, silver and china, and a fabulous live show by Indianapolis actress and singer Ginny Spillman portraying Patsy Cline. Social Hour: Shopping in a silent auction area, cash bar, and socializing. Dinner: Italian Buffet by Bon Appetit Showtime: Ginny Spillman...
Project V.O.I.C.E. (Vocal Outreach Into Creative Expression) celebrates and inspires self-expression through spoken word poetry. The co-directors of Project VOICE, Sarah Kay and Phil Kaye, have performed at such diverse venues as TED 2011 (with a presentation that Wired Magazine noted: “blew down the house”),...