Messer’s Bar and Grill | Montgomery County Visitors & Convention Bureau
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Event Series Valentine’s for 2

Valentine’s for 2

Messer's Bar and Grill 308 S Main Street, Linden, IN, United States

Feb. 14-15th Valentine’s Day for 2 special! Dinner is from 5-10pm Everything is included: 1 appetizer, 2 main courses, 2 desserts, and 2 complimentary drinks.

Event Series Valentine’s for 2

Valentine’s for 2

Messer's Bar and Grill 308 S Main Street, Linden, IN, United States

Feb. 14-15th Valentine’s Day for 2 special! Dinner is from 5-10pm Everything is included: 1 appetizer, 2 main courses, 2 desserts, and 2 complimentary drinks.